I’m Pree, a London based nutritional therapist, former financial markets professional, and a mother of two.

I created Pree-trition as a platform to help educate others and share my passion for leading a healthier nutritious lifestyle.

I’ve always been interested in food and health; however, it was my mum’s battle with breast cancer that gave me the desire to learn more, and understand how disease can be prevented through nutrition. My goal is to help people become more conscious about their nutrition and wellness before ill health a chance to arise.

I realised the responsibility I had – to make sure I looked after my health to allow me to be my best self for my children. It ignited an excitement and love in me that I knew I had to share, which is why I chose to become a nutritional therapist.


The human body is an incredible machine, that doesn’t come with a manual. I follow a holistic approach to health, believing that the food we put into our bodies is one of the most important determinants of the vitality, energy, and wellbeing we bring to our lives. It’s been so exciting learning about which inputs drive which outcomes – and I’m looking forward to sharing those learnings with you all.

I want to help clients identify ways they can get to their health goals and empower them to make choices so that they become the hero of their own story.

I like to introduce consistent habits, rather than short term fixes or fad diets. Although we can’t and would never want to be, perfect all the time (I love my glass of wine, and chocolate fix), understanding what good reward drives a bad habit is key to figuring out how to change behaviours so that they still deliver the same reward but are healthier habits.

Diet is not the only factor to consider in nutrition, I want to help clients nourish their mind and maintain an active physical balance too.