Nutrition for mindful health and wellness

Do you ever ask yourself “Why am I so shattered?” Or feel anxious, stressed out or unable to sleep? Do you suffer from digestive issues, feel bloated or struggle to shed a little weight making those jeans slightly too tight? Or generally feel as though you’re lacking that glow?

I love to help women curate a program that helps balance hormones, increase energy levels, support sustainable weight loss, improve gut health and lower inflammation.

Rather than generic prescriptive approaches I look at your specific goals, lifestyle and functional profile - including hormone balance, diet, sleep, nutrition and digestive health to help you develop a deeper understanding for how this can affect your wellbeing.

Prevention is always better than a cure. It is a fact that we inherently know, but often forget as we get side-tracked in our daily lives.

My goal is to remind you that the daily practice of small healthy habits - emotional, mental, physical and spiritual, can help you take charge of your health and prevent dis-ease.

My programs deliver a bespoke health & wellness experience for you, by implementing positive lifestyle & behavioural changes. I’m a BANT qualified nutritional therapist specialising in supporting busy women with their health and wellbeing.



During our initial consultation, we spend time understanding your goals, your lifestyle, and take a detailed history of your health journey, including digestive health, immune health, energy levels, hormonal balance, diet, sleep, stressful periods, mental and spiritual practices. This 360degree approach provides insight specific to your health and helps determine your own personal route toward your health goals.

We can schedule a virtual health consultation wherever you are. I am here to empower you with the tools specific to your goals, to take control of your health and most importantly attain sustainable health with mindset changes, not quick and fast fad diets.


This package is perfect if you've been struggling with a health concern for a while and would benefit from
personalised ongoing support and guidance to improve your health.


Weight loss is not about following the latest fad diet, or yo-yo dieting. It's about finding an approach that works for you, your lifestyle and your relationship with food. Working to understand your health history and underlying mediators we will create a personalised programme for you.


Perimenopause, mood swings, heavy periods, sleep issues, unexplained weight gain, skin problems, stress and anxiety! No one wants to be a slave to their hormones, yet they are critical to most human functions, no surprise then that even the slightest hormone imbalance may have an effect. This program is aimed at rebalancing your hormonal health.